Coast Family Acupuncture - Integrative Medicine Approach
Integrative Medicine in the United States and all across California has been approached in the last decade by health institutions and top universities such as Scripps, UCSD and Harvard University. Oriental Medicine or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a comprehensive health system that has been implemented for over 3,000 years to prevent, diagnose and treat illness. The main premise for integrative medicine and for TCM is a whole-person-approach, where the objective is to treat the person and not the disease. Jason Moore, L.Ac. at Coast Family Acupuncture in Fort Bragg has a wealth of tools that are combined to treat each patient uniquely. These tools include acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutritional guidance, exercise and wellness programs, as well as manual therapies.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine as Integrative Medicine
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are primary health care for billions of people around the globe. Ranging from newborn to senior citizen, acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are utilized as preventative medicine to reduce health care costs, strengthen the body, and maintain a healthy state of wellness. Integrative medicine incorporates treatment options from modern and ancient approaches, considering the physical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects of health conditions.
Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture
In many states, including California, a Licensed Acupuncturist is also a skillfully trained, certified herbalist. Our Mendocino Coast acupuncturist in Fort Bragg may prescribe an herbal formula specifically designed for your body and condition. The result is a highly precise mechanism for healing that can correct internal imbalances and treat most common aliments and disease without the use of dangerous drugs and their unnecessary and unwanted side-effects.
Nutritional and Dietary Plans
Dietary change is an integral component of integrative medicine and a staple of Chinese medicine. A healthy diet means that the body has the energy that it needs, which in turn helps the body to fully utilize and benefit from acupuncture treatments for health and wellness. Many people visit our acupuncture clinic for the treatment of lower back, leg, knee, ankle pain, digestive illness and migraines. When we meet a new patient we spend up to an hour going through a detailed health history with them. One of the main reasons for this time is to gain a clear understanding of the lifestyle habits (both physical and emotional) of an individual in order to achieve a proper diagnosis, administer treatment, and offer dietary recommendations. In order to provide an integral solution we need to know the whole you, not just the part that hurts or your doctor's diagnosis. This is holistic medicine!
Qi Gong and Breathing Exercises as Part of an Integrative Health Care Model
For thousands of years the Chinese have integrated the ancient science of Qi Gong and Tai Ji into their integrative health care model. With roots in martial arts, these therapies
incorporate deep breathing, stretching and slow movement to improve the physical and mental well-being, increase energy and circulation, and promote a healthy balance between mind and body. Tai Ji and Qi Gong are low-impact exercises, and there is no level of athleticism or ability necessary to participate. Qi Gong, is practiced by over 100 million people from all ages around the world.
Massage Therapy (Tui Nai)
Most of us know the sense of calm and relaxation that comes from a massage at the end of a stressful week. If you don't, I highly recommend you give it a try! Tui Nai is a special type of Chinese massage, performed, while the patient is fully clothed and incorporates the acupuncture points and channer pathways. Th eobjective of Tui Na is to open any blocks or stagnation in the channel pathways and assist the body in achieving a state of healthy balance. Pressure point therapy and massage can be a good place to start for someone who has fear or anxiety about acupuncture needles.