Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
You may know that acupuncture is an effective treatment for pain, but did you know that acupuncture is just one tool in the system of Chinese Medicine?
Chinese Medicine is used around the world as primary care for many types of health issues, including natural pain relief.
We receive many phone calls every day from people just ilke you who are new to acupuncture and are curious if it may be effective in treating a particular problem that they may be experiencing.
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Digestive Illness
Chronic constipation, diarrhea, acid re-flux, colitis, ulcers, indigestion
Pain Management
Low back pain, sciatica, knee pain, post orthopedic pain, joint pain.
Sleep Disorders
Insomnia, restless sleep, and other sleep disorders
Are you ready to get started?
Still have questions?
Talk to our Fort Bragg Acupuncturist - EJ Fry, L.Ac.
Call (707) 964-1111